PDMC Combined Meeting - November 2019
On the 7th November the combined meeting of Salisbury Lodge No. 126, Elizabeth Lodge No. 200 and the Lodge of Fraternity No. 214 at the Para District Masonic Centre and hosted by Salisbury Lodge, conducted a unique “Mark Man” Ceremony. Salisbury Mark Lodge No. 52 with the assistance of Gawler Mark Lodge No. 14, were invited to demonstrate a modified version of the first part of the Advancement Ceremony to the Degree of a Mark Master Mason.
The open night incorporating this interesting ceremony gave an insight into the Mark Degree to Craft Masons, with the accompanying talk touching on aspects of the Mark Degree. Nearly 80 members from various lodges were in attendance including E.A’s & F.C’s. The Grand Master of the Craft, MWBro. Dr Neil Jensen, complete with Entourage and the Grand Master of the Mark, MWBro. David Kitching were also in attendance. The night was a huge success and gained a lot of interest from visiting Masters who will look at hosting the ceremony in their lodges. (For further information please contact the secretaries of either the Salisbury Lodge No. 126 or the Lodge of Fraternity No. 214.)