A Cunning Plan For The Installation of Salisbury Mark No. 52

6 Dec 2017 - 12:53pm

An idea was conceived during 2016 regarding the 2017 Installation of Bro. Robert McDonald SW as Worshipful Master of Salisbury Mark Lodge No.52.

The Lodge has seven serving Grand Mark Lodge Officers, so with a little assistance could nearly conduct its own Installation.

VWBro. Andrew Wilson DGDC was approached who agreed to the idea. It was noted that this was possibly a first with so many members of the Installing Team belonging to one Mark Lodge.

A photo opportunity occurred at the Grand Mark Installation in June 2017 with all seven serving Grand Mark Officers with WBro. Robert McDonald GStd. as a member of Grand Lodge (Craft) Delegation.

(L to R) VWBro. S. Husker GSO, RWBro. T. Adams GPur, RWBro. G. Beardsell GSup,
RWBro. W.Penley GSW (Inst. Master), RWBro. S. Winder PDGM, VWBro. I. Shaughnessy GDC,
Bro. R. McDonald (Master-Elect - in Craft GStd Regalia), WBro. M. Mann GSwBr.

On Tuesday, 17th October 2017 the Installing Master, RWBro. Bill Penley GSW accompanied by MWBro. David Kitching GM, MWBro. John Green PGM, MWBro. Colin Preece PGM, RWBro. Bob Stewart PDGM, comprising a Grand Mark team totalling 22 Members conducted the Installation of Bro. Robert McDonald.

The afternoon was a great success.

WBro Robert McDonald was delighted with his seven visiting Worshipful Masters with a special mention of WBro. Bob Hogarth, Worshipful Master of Lodge Moonta Mark Lodge No. 2, the Twinning Lodge and was accompanied by a few of his Brethren who made the trip to be part of this special day.

The new Worshipful Master is looking forward to his year in the Chair.  There is already a Candidate for Advancement early in 2018.

A look at some of Salisbury Mark No. 52 Members

Grand Mark Installation Team

Presentation to WBro. Robert McDonald by VWBro. Simon Husker

Sitting down to enjoy the Supper

Supper Time

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