The Yorke Valley Lodge No. 67 - Fifty Year Presentation
5 Sep 2017 - 12:32pm
The Meeting at Yorke Valley Lodge No. 67 on Thursday 1st June 2017 was anything but Regular!
RWBro. Bill Merrill, Deputy Grand Master, together with a retinue of Grand Lodge Officers were in attendance to acknowledge Fifty Years of Service by VWBro. Robert Hogarth, PDGS. (Pictured Below). There were also a number of visitors attending for the occasion.
As part of his Presentation of the Fifty Year Jewel, the Deputy Grand Master provided details of Robert Hogarth’s commitment to Freemasonry, mostly as a Member of Ardrossan Lodge No. 150 and also mentioned many of his civic undertakings within the Ardrossan Community, where he resides.
In reply VWBro. Hogarth PDGS paid tribute to his father and grandfather being long serving Freemasons and that he particularly wanted to receive the award at Yorke Valley Lodge No. 67 where his grandfather was a Foundation Member in 1911 and Master in 1914. He also expressed thanks to the Yorke Valley Lodge No. 67 for the gift of his grandfather’s Past Master’s Jewel which he wears alongside his own Past Master’s Jewel.
At the conclusion of the business within the Lodge a sumptuous Festive Board was enjoyed by all and a number of toasts appropriate to the occasion were proposed and honoured.