A Message from the Grand Director!

12 Jul 2018 - 5:34pm

Information Sessions for Prospetive Members of the 2019 Grand Lodge Ceremonial Team

If you are a current Worshipful Master, Past Worshipful Master, Past or current Grand Lodge officer or interested member that may consider becoming a member of the Grand Lodge Ceremonial team - a new team for the 2019 Masonic year might be the opportunity for you.

VWBro. Ray Mack Grand Director of Ceremonies, his wife Trish, together with a number of Senior Grand Lodge officers would be pleased if you and your partner would attend an informal session about becoming a member of the 2019 Grand Ceremonial Team. Wives and partners are encouraged to attend.

The session will cover areas such as :

  • Financial responsibilities
  • Dress requirements
  • Time commitments for rehearsals, Installations and Official visits
  • What Ritual do I have to learn?
  • What it means to you and your Lodge
  • How do Lodge members regard Grand Lodge Officers and your responsibilities

And other questions that you and your partner may like to ask about becoming a member of the team.

The sessions are purely for information only, should last about an hour and half, say 11: 00 AM - 12:30 PM and hopefully be followed by lunch etc. at a nearby hotel.

Suggested sessions to be held at :

  • Edwardstown Masonic Hall - Sunday 16th September
  • Mt Gambier Masonic Centre - Sunday 30th September
  • Para Districts Masonic Centre - Sunday 14th October
  • Whyalla Masonic Centre - Sunday 28th October

Dress – Smart Casual

If you would like to attend please register your attendance by emailing the office of the Grand Secretary info@santfreemasons.org.au

We will raise the standard of Freemasonry by working together – call or write today!

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